Fula people of Sierra Leone

The Sierra Leonean Fula people

Notable Sierra Leonean Fula

Total population
340,003 - 5% of Sierra Leone's population
Regions with significant populations
Northern province

Eastern province
Southern province
Western Area


Fula language


Islam 99.9%

Fula people of Sierra Leone is a major ethnic group in Sierra Leone and a branch of the Fula people of western Africa. The make up about 5% of Sierra Leone's population. The Sierra Leone Fula people settled in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone nearly three hundred years ago as settlers from the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea.

The Sierra Leonean Fula are traditionally a nomadic, pastoralist, trading people, herding cattle, goats and sheep across the vast dry hinterlands of their domain, keeping somewhat separate from the local agricultural populations. Many of the large shopping centers in Sierra Leone are owned and run by the Fula community.

Today over 99% of Sierra Leonean Fula are Muslim who follow the teaching of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. A significant number of the Sierra Leonean Fula population are found in all regions of Sierra Leone as traders.



The Sierra Leonean Fula villages are scattered, but each has a central court and a mosque. Together, these compose a miside (community). Each miside has a headman who handles village affairs and who answers to a chief. The homes of the settled Krio Fula are round with mud walls and thatched roofs that projects over encircling porches. However, nomadic Krio Fula live in simpler structures, since they are so often moving with the herds. These houses have neither walls nor verandahs, and are encircled by cattle corrals.

Daughters remain with their mothers until they marry. However, as soon as a son reaches puberty, he leaves the family compound and lives alone in a nearby compound, usually with some cattle. This new compound will be the home of the son and his future wife.

Religious and Traditional beliefs

The Sierra Leonean Fula are 99% Muslim, but many still follow their traditional beliefs. In their ancient religion, the nomadic herdsmen seem to find relevance for the experiences and dangers of their lifestyle.

Some men practice herbal healings, divination, and magic. Fertility is prayed for as an important means of ensuring the supply of future herdsmen and milkmaids.

The "herd owner's feast" is one such ceremony. During this feast, a bull that has served ten seasons is presented, killed, and eaten.


The Sierra Leonean Fula are primarily skilled cattle farmers, with their lives depending upon and revolving around the cattle herds. The status of a family can be determined by the size and health of its cattle. The more a man knows about cattle herding, the greater respect he is given by the community.

Herding cattle is usually a male activity; however, the women milk and take care of the cattle. They also tend to the small livestock and poultry, cultivate gardens, and carry containers of milk and cheese to the local markets for sell or trade.

Notable Sierra leonean Fula people